Monday, April 9, 2012

Harvest Monday 4/9/12

Busy, busy, busy.. that's how life has been lately.  Spring has brought plenty of garden work, the final stretch of the semester has arrived with too much to do, add to that Jeff's birthday, Easter, and a camping trip and I've been neglecting harvest Monday!

This is a double week report.  Most of the harvest recently has been lettuce (5.4 oz), carrots (2.1 oz), and radishes (2.1 oz), so I've been having plenty of salads.  The other harvest was beets at 1.53 lbs:

I boiled the beet roots and seasoned them with salt and pepper.  I added the beet leaves to a quiche along with onions and mushrooms. This was my first time eating beet leaves and I was happy to discover that they are tasty.. at least in a quiche!

The garden seems to be between seasons now with most of the winter crops done or bolting.  I can't seem to get myself to pull the flowering radishes and turnips because every time I'm in the garden the bees and butterflies are all over them. 

Two week total: 2.0 lbs
Yearly total: 20.97 lbs worth $40.23

To see what others are harvesting check out Harvest Monday at Daphne's Dandelions.

Happy Gardening!


  1. I like beet leaves too - particularly good blanched and then served in a salad with the beets themselves.

    1. Sounds good... going to be on the dinner table tonight!

  2. Which reminds me. I have to get my mustard planted. I want to grow some for their seed. But it means I get to have them flower in the garden. I've always been told that brassica flower are beloved by bees, but I so rarely have them in my garden.

    1. I think the warm weather here tends to make brassicas bolt quickly.. I never seem to get to all my radishes before they're flowering.

  3. Love those beets! I eat tiny beet leaves in salad and bigger ones cooked with other greens. Right now some arugula is blooming all over the yard where it volunteered. Sometimes I cut it to feed the rabbits and sometimes I just let it go to seed. Reminds me, I need to plant a patch of radish just for seed!

    1. I have several brassicas flowering.. radish, turnips, brussel sprouts, and kohlrabi... can I save seeds or do all the brassicas cross pollinate?
