Saturday, January 7, 2012

January Garden Goals

After making the huge project list for 2012, I realized that I need to break it down into smaller lists.  28 things are a bit overwhelming!  Each month I'm going to focus on two or three projects.

Gardening Goals for January:
  1. Finish potting shed - we (ok, really it's Jeff and I'm the assistant) built the workbench last weekend and this weekend the goal is to build the shelves.  Then the structures will be built and it'll just be prettifying the potting shed time.
  2. Set-up my seed starting station - this requires the shelves in the potting shed to be finished, but I plan to put up two 4 ft lights, heating pads, get a container to store potting soil, and get trays washed and ready.
  3. Start seeds! - yes, start seeds in January. I need to start broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, leeks (first time growing!), head lettuce, onion seed, parsley, and Chinese cabbage.
  4. Build bed in front of potting shed - this is one of those 2012 projects.  I doubt I will finish this month, but I hope to get a good start. 
  5. Asparagus - decide what type and how many asparagus I'm going to plant and order.  I also need to figure out where to plant them.
  6. Harvest and weigh winter crops - it should be easy to keep up with the winter garden's slow pace.
  7. Plan spring garden - I have the list of what I plan to grow and I've ordered seeds, however, I need to figure out where everything is going to be planted and how many seedlings I'm going to need.
  8. Make seed starting journal - trying to do better at keeping data so that I can learn what works and what doesn't.
  9. Clean and sharpen garden tools
Ok, need to stop before this list gets overwhelming!

Happy January gardening everyone!

    1 comment:

    1. I liked the big list purely because it had more berries in it. Also it was the kind of list I would write - hopelessly ambitious but fun nonetheless. Having said that this one sounds fabulously productive.
